Love Beneath the Mighty Dome Archives - Non-Fiction Interviews and Book Reviews | Non-Fiction Author Non-Fiction Book | Author Interviews for Non-Fiction Authors Fri, 03 Nov 2023 05:09:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Love Beneath the Mighty Dome Archives - Non-Fiction Interviews and Book Reviews | Non-Fiction Author 32 32 Love Beneath the Mighty Dome: Volume III Fri, 13 Jul 2018 21:42:40 +0000 The basic draft of the trilogy, Love Beneath the Mighty Dome, was begun in 1990 and completed around 1995, years before the brutal sex scandals involving pedophilia among clergy (and its accompanying cover-up by the ruling clergy) broke in the archdioceses of Boston and New York. There is no attempt here to take advantage of such tragic and horrific events. But, aside from these matters, the work of fiction presented in these three volumes is merely an attempt to depict the clergy in a fair and just manner—the heroes and the villains. Any seeming imbalance is due to the reality of the subject and not any injustice on the part of the author. The underlying question here is, does the Roman Catholic Diocesan Clergy truly fulfill the plan Jesus of Nazareth had in mind when he chose his most trusted followers—the wealth, the glamour, the pomposity of it all? After all, wasn’t it highly placed churchmen who, in effect, put a contract out on this Jesus of Nazareth, a contract haltingly accepted by a particularly savage militaristic occupying power? And would it be so cataclysmically devastating to allow the clergy to marry—to live in a manner consistent with the rest of humanity? Why not allow women to enter programs of priestly formation? Why this on-going exclusion of women? Is it fear? Loathing? Contempt? Clumsiness? Is it really because Jesus chose only male companions or is there something else at work these two millennia later? Are women still thought of as a defilement of the sanctuary? As long as the high priests refuse to reform the inner sanctum of the Catholic Church (the priesthood, those indispensable dispensers of the sacraments) there will forever and always be these needless and destructive scandals—scandals that are gravely damaging to the moral authority of the entirety of the Catholic Church. For the clergy are not the Church. They are a tiny part of it—its servants, no less. When a child’s life is destroyed where is the love? What happened to the love?

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Love Beneath the Mighty Dome: Volume II Fri, 13 Jul 2018 21:38:24 +0000 This second volume of the trilogy, Love Beneath the Mighty Dome, continues with the accounts of several Catholic Faithful: Father Manny Moriss, the reclusive and ever faithful traditionalist. Manny’s friend, from their days at Saint Simeon the Stylite Seminary, Father Louis Poustello, a self-willed renegade. Father Al Dible, a staunchly faithful gay man, tortured by his unwavering but self-destructive love for an institution that condemns the most intimate aspect of his being. The return of one, Tarkington Spilburn, a sick, soul-less, demented fiend and priest-everlasting, in the order of Melchizedek. Patricia Healy, the enthused young woman who would be ordained but for her sex. Monsignor McNeery, the foreign-born Irishman, backbone of the Church in America and champion of the poor.

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Love Beneath the Mighty Dome: Volume I Fri, 13 Jul 2018 21:29:32 +0000 What if you felt that Almighty God had called you personally to devote your life exclusively to His service only to discover that those in charge of your training were people not worthy of your respect? Would you stubbornly stick to your path? Would you rebel and try to change the institution from within? Would you begin to doubt yourself and your own integrity? Or would you question whether the institution itself was actually what its founder, Jesus of Nazareth, had intended so many hundreds of generations before you? Turn the pages of Love Beneath the Mighty Dome and discover what happens to those confronted by just this dilemma, how it affects their lives, their ability to function, their ability to love.

The post Love Beneath the Mighty Dome: Volume I appeared first on Non-Fiction Interviews and Book Reviews | Non-Fiction Author.

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