The Life and Lessons of a Young Author Book Tour

The Life and Lessons of a Young Author

Book Tour

Book Description:

Whether you are young or old, The Life and Lessons of a Young Author can offer those who dream of finding the right path in the world of writing and publishing. Sunayna Prasad shares her experience as a young author and discusses what went well for her and what she suggests to those who long for success.

Talking about her life as a published writer, Sunayna Prasad teaches you the rules of the writing craft and the standards of the publishing world, as well as additional tips and tricks. The Life and Lessons of a Young Author can help you choose your own writing and publishing paths.

Book Details:

Book Title:  The Life and Lessons of a Young Author by Sunayna Prasad
Category:  YA Non-fiction, 19 pages
Genre:  Writing
Publisher:  Amazon KDP
Release date:  Sept 1, 2018
Format available for review:  ebook (PDF)
Tour dates: Aug 13 to 31, 2018
Content Rating: G

Meet the Author:

Sunayna Prasad has been writing since she was six. She continues to write fiction and non-fiction today and has even won a Pacific Book-Review award. She lives in New York, and when not writing, likes to create art and cook.

Connect with Sunayna: Website ~ Facebook 




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Aug 16 – Library of Clean Reads – review / giveaway
Aug 17 – Writers N Authors – review / guest post / giveaway
Aug 18 – Writers and Authors – review
Aug 20 – Paulette’s Papers – book spotlight / giveaway
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Aug 21 – – review / giveaway
Aug 21 – Blooming with Books – review / author interview / giveaway
Aug 22 – fundinmental – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 23 – A Blue Million Books – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Aug 24 – Laura’s Interests – review / guest post / giveaway
Aug 27 – The Autistic Gamer – review / giveaway
Aug 28 – Books for Books – review
Aug 29 – Declarations of a Fangirl – review / guest post / giveaway
Aug 30 – Seaside Book Nook – review / giveaway
Aug 31 – Vithyas Blog – review / author interview

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