Chrissy Kanne: The Beauty of Aging

Aging is a hard topic for many people. People fear growing older, the thought of losing what makes you yourself mentally and/or physically can be scary. But, Chrissy Kanne’s book The Transformation of a Wildflower aims to dispel these worries. Aging is a beautiful thing, something to look forward to and embrace. Using wildflower symbolism, this collection of short stories features tales over the course of Chrissy’s life, from childhood and on. Today, we’ve asked Chrissy Kanne some questions, ranging from personal questions to inquiries about her writing!

Introduce yourself. Tell me about what you do.

Once I learned to read I became an enthusiastic reader. I began writing poetry at age 12. The two things I’ve loved most in my life are singing and writing. After high school, I graduated from Cosmetology school and continued following my dreams of writing and singing. I sang in local bands and wrote my first novel, Nashville Skyline, in 2006 under my maiden name, Chrissy Coleman. I was a hairstylist for 20 years until I went back to school to pursue a career as a Paralegal. Today I work part-time at a grocery store near my home and watch over my mom. In my spare time, I write and sing.

Tell me more about your journey as an author including the writing process.

A photograph of author Chrissy Kanne

After moving to a rural area, I sat down to write full time, thanks to my husbands support for my delusions of grandeur. In between writing, I have taken jobs in many different fields from caretaker to retail. Writing comes to me on an inspiration. I get an idea and the rest is work. I push myself to write even when I don’t feel like it, until I’m burned out, then I take some time off. Eventually the magic returns and the light comes back and a new idea is born and I write again. I find comfort in low stress jobs where I don’t have to think too hard. I like to save my mind and thoughts for writing.

Tell me about your book.

My book is an anthology of short stories over the course of my lifetime that focuses on the stages of life, from childhood to menopause. Each story incorporates real life lessons learned at every stage of life through the wisdom and meaning of wildflowers. When I began writing my blog about wildflowers and the 2nd phase of life, I was unhappy about getting older, but through reflection on the past and writing about my journey I found beauty in life again. I want to talk about getting older. Society casts a negative light on aging. I’m on a mission to end ageism. Getting older doesn’t mean we’re getting less competent, in fact, it’s the opposite. Maturity brings wisdom and the more we experience life, the better and more beautiful we become.

What genre is your book?

The book is non-fiction. Inspirational, spiritual, self-improvement, personal development, personal growth.

What would be the appropriate age for your readers?

It’s probably most likely targeted for women in mid to late life, but anyone from young adult to adult and beyond would enjoy this book. There’s lessons and relatable stories for all. 

Any message for your readers?

David Bowie said, “Aging is an extraordinary process whereby you become the person you always should have been.”

Walt Disney said, “Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever.”

I want people to see that aging is a part of life, not the end of it. You might need glasses to see beyond the horizon, but there’s no hill blocking the view anymore.

What are some of your favorite quotes and one liners from your book?

“Maturity is the painful process of becoming. Without it, we never bloom.” (Preface: Muddy Pause)

“We grow where the wind blows.”(Against the Wind)

The front cover of The Transformation of a Wildflower by Chrissy Kanne“You can’t force life to happen. You have to let it. If you don’t give yourself a break when you need it, life will.” (Warrior Flower)

“Every story, every life are the circles that intertwine us and remind us that we’re made from the same pattern.” (The Flower of Life and the Universal truth.)

“There’s no need to strive to be someone else or someone’s picture of perfection. We only need to “make up” to please ourselves.” (Artificial Flowers)

“Plans don’t always turn out the way we envision, but when the smoke clears, a beautiful, rare flower blooms, and a new life begins.” (Fire Flower)

”Why lose precious time, when all I can do is take it.” (Impatient Flower: Fighting for Precious Time)

“We face the storm as it rolls in before us and see that it is nothing more than thunder, lightning, wind, and rain.” (The Anxious Flower: Scattered Storms)

“The will to live is everywhere. It’s in our nature.” (The Kiss of Death and the Flower of resurrection)

“By the time we get out of here, the sun will be coming up over the horizon. It’s the end of the night. The end of a year. The end of an era. And a new day has begun.” (The Flower of Transformation: Change is on the Horizon)

“Change is the chrysalis to new life. The end of one cycle is the beginning of another.” (The Chrysalis to a new life)

“Like hope, love blooms eternal. And the grass is always greener after the rain.” (The Rain Flower: Riding out the storm)

“I guess I’ll always be a helpless romantic who sometimes fails to remember that I am where I need to be in the moment, but I still believe it is better to reach for the stars than to miss the sparkle.” (The Helpless Romantic: A Passion for Life)

“Cut flowers die, too much wine makes you sick, and those glances with a stranger from across the room are only good if you actually never meet.” (Confessions of a Wildflower)

“Compassion is the medicine that ends all suffering and ties us together, like the common heather blowing in the wind that knows no difference.” (The Common Heather: A different Flower)

“Last but not least, enjoy the blooms while they last.” (How to grow a Mindful Garden)

“The more you deny your truth, the more you trip and fall. When you know who you really are, you won’t fall for anything.” (The kiss of shame and the good girl who fell for it)

“Wildflowers don’t hide their true colors. They stand out because of them.” (Against the Grain)

Is there a story that you want to highlight?

I have to say, you can highlight any story in the book. I’m willing to talk about any of them. To answer your question, I’ve highlighted a few: “The Flower of Transformation: Change is on the Horizon,” “How to Grow a Mindful Garden,” “The Helpless Romantic: A Passion for Life,” “Good as Gold,” “The Kiss of Death and the Flower of Resurrection” “The Cheerful Gardener and the Pursuit of Happiness,” “The legend of Bobbie James Rosa: A Rambler,” “The Flower of Perfection: A Day in the Sun,” “The Flower of life and the Universal Truth” “Stars in her eyes: The wise girls.” “The Metamorphosis of a Wildflower” “The Flower of Forgiveness: In her Shoes” “The Chrysalis to a New Life”

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