Book Club Discussion with Gregory Demetriou: Insights from Ask A CEO: Hints, Tips, and Observations

Book Club Discussion with Gregory Demetriou

Hosted by Non-Fiction Book Interviews

In a recent virtual book club discussion hosted by Non-Fiction Book Interviews, author Gregory Demetriou shared insights from his latest release, Ask A CEO: Hints, Tips, and Observations Purchase on Amazon. The conversation explored his journey as an author, his unique writing process, and the valuable lessons for business leaders contained in his book. Gregory Demetriou’s reflections offer an inspiring look at his evolution as a writer and the wisdom he has gained through years of experience in the business world.

The Journey as an Author

Gregory Demetriou’s journey as an author began in an unexpected place: his elementary school years. “My ability to tell a story in written words was developed during my elementary school years,” Greg shared. He explained how writing compositions of 200, 500, or 1,000 words on assigned topics became a regular part of his education. “Fabricating characters, points of view, details, and tons of explanations came very easily,” he added.

Though he demonstrated early talent, Gregory did not pursue writing as a career at the time. “With some encouragement or guidance, I might have chosen writing for a career. Sadly, that was not to be—until 50 years later,” he reflected. After spending years as a business owner, Gregory recognized that writing articles for business and trade publications could set him apart from his competitors. This realization marked the beginning of his journey as a thought leader and influencer in the business world.

Gregory’s writing process evolved as he began to face various management, personnel, and financial challenges. He made it his goal to present these experiences in a “common sense, human way.” His approach to writing focuses on establishing the issue, identifying the obstacle or goal, and providing his perspective on how to proceed. “In retrospect, I believe that there is value in the telling,” Greg noted. His ability to distill complex business situations into practical, relatable advice is what makes Ask A CEO a must-read for leaders at all levels.

About Ask A CEO: Hints, Tips, and Observations

Gregory Demetriou’s new book, Ask A CEO: Hints, Tips, and Observations, is the culmination of years of knowledge gained from his own experiences and those of other CEOs. Having been associated with business leaders across various industries, Gregory realized that he had accumulated a wealth of knowledge from their experiences. The Ask A CEO model was born out of his desire to communicate both his and other CEOs’ perspectives on common business challenges.

Ask A CEO was created to communicate my and their takes on common business situations that required attention, thought, and resolution,” Greg explained during the discussion. The book is designed to spark thought and inspire readers by sharing real-world business scenarios and the solutions that have worked for successful CEOs. By compiling these insights into one volume, Greg hopes to provide readers with a resource that will help them navigate their own business journeys. Purchase on Amazon

Challenges of Growing a Business

One of the key themes in Gregory Demetriou’s writing is the challenge of growing a business. As the CEO of Lorraine Gregory® Communications, Greg knows firsthand how difficult it can be to manage rapid growth. “Being fortunate to pilot a growing business became a ‘failure is not an option’ modus operandi,” he explained. With several family members involved in the business, Greg felt a deep responsibility to ensure the company’s success.

The small storefront business grew exponentially in revenue, clients, facility size, and staff, but that growth came with its own set of challenges. Greg emphasized that decisions needed to be carefully balanced between opportunity, cost, risk, and the potential for further growth. Managing double-digit growth, while a positive challenge, also presented financial pressures such as cash flow management, increased payroll, and investments in technology and equipment.

Mindset: Strategies for Overcoming Challenges

When it comes to overcoming business challenges, Gregory Demetriou believes that having the right mindset is crucial. One of the key strategies he emphasizes is the importance of seeking expert help. “The recognition that you ‘don’t know what you don’t know’ opens the door to seeking expert help,” Greg said. He stressed the importance of consulting with accountants, attorneys, and business coaches to navigate complex business decisions.

In addition to seeking expert advice, Greg also created an advisory board of business professionals to help him make critical decisions. This approach allowed him to benefit from the experience of others while ensuring that the company remained on the right path. Greg’s story highlights the value of humility and a willingness to learn from others, even as a leader.

A Human-Centered Approach to Business

Gregory Demetriou is a firm believer in a common-sense, human-centered approach to business. During the virtual book club discussion, he shared how this perspective has shaped his leadership style. “I have always held and communicated to staff and employees that ‘life happens in spite of work,’” Greg said. He explained that family and outside obligations should not be ignored for the sake of work and that employees need the flexibility to balance both.

Greg’s human-centered approach is especially relevant in today’s business world, where maintaining a healthy work-life balance is increasingly important. He believes that as long as client needs are met, employees should have the freedom to adjust their schedules to accommodate personal obligations. This philosophy demonstrates that businesses can thrive while still prioritizing the well-being of their employees.

Influence of Other CEOs

Throughout his career, Gregory Demetriou has been influenced by the insights and experiences of other CEOs. His interactions with fellow business leaders have played a crucial role in shaping his own business practices and philosophies. In fact, the Ask A CEO book was born out of the hundreds of interviews Greg has conducted over the years.

“The Ask A CEO book dovetails from the hundreds of interviews I have conducted over the years,” Greg shared. “In fact, the Ask A CEO Interview Series was filmed and produced in-house at LGC Studios and distributed on several streaming platforms. There was always a valuable lesson to learn from other CEOs and their experience in the corner office.”

By listening to the wisdom of other leaders, Greg has been able to refine his own approach to business and leadership. His willingness to learn from others underscores the importance of collaboration and shared knowledge in the business world.

Key Messages for Readers

Gregory Demetriou’s book, Ask A CEO, is aimed at a broad audience, from C-level executives and directors to entrepreneurs at the beginning of their business journey. “Whether you are a C-level executive, director, or on your own business journey, this compilation of hints, tips, and observations can spark your own way of looking at situations,” Greg said. He encourages readers to view the book as a resource for developing their own leadership strategies and navigating the challenges of the business world. Purchase on Amazon

Memorable Quotes from Ask A CEO: Hints, Tips, and Observations

  • “You only have one chance to make a first impression.”
  • “The better you delegate, the better the result—not only for you, but also for your employees and your company as a whole.”
  • “Without good teams, companies can only manage to get themselves from day to day. Even with people who have superior work ethics, good companies without the focus on change and tomorrow eventually falter. Without good teams, the next level of achievement is unattainable.”
  • “Don’t let people misunderstand your ‘open-door policy.’ If you do, I promise at some point you will be busting to say ‘GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!’”
  • “Customers come in different types. Like the old Clint Eastwood movie, ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.’”

These memorable quotes capture the practical, no-nonsense advice that runs throughout Ask A CEO. Gregory Demetriou’s insights are designed to help readers tackle real-world business challenges with confidence and clarity.

Final Thoughts

Gregory Demetriou’s journey as an author and business leader is a testament to the power of learning, growth, and perseverance. As Greg highlighted during the discussion, “Learning, growth, and changes are perpetual. Every day is an opportunity to gain knowledge. Don’t be satisfied with the status quo.” His book, Ask A CEO: Hints, Tips, and Observations, is a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their leadership skills and navigate the complexities of the business world. Purchase on Amazon

For more insights from Gregory Demetriou, visit and explore Ask A CEO: Hints, Tips, and Observations. You can also follow Greg on LinkedIn and Facebook for more updates.

This virtual discussion was hosted by Non-Fiction Book Interviews. Hashtags for this post include #GregsCornerOffice, #CEO, #CSuite, and #AskACEO.

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