Building Confidence and Reducing Anxiety: Insights from Bretisms

Best-selling author Bret Davis’s book, Bretisms: Adopted, Borrowed and Modified Philosophies For a Life with LESS ANXIETY and MORE CONFIDENCE, offers readers practical wisdom for navigating the complexities of life. One of the central themes of the book is the delicate balance between building confidence and reducing anxiety—two concepts that are deeply interconnected. In this post, Bret shares his insights on how this balance can be achieved and sustained, both through the philosophies presented in his book and through his personal experiences.

Confidence and Anxiety: Two Sides of the Same Coin

In his book, Bret Davis presents a collection of sayings and philosophies that serve as daily reminders of strength, resilience, and self-belief. But how do these philosophies help balance confidence-building with anxiety reduction? Bret explains that the two concepts are often intertwined. “I have always felt that anxiety and confidence are connected,” he says. “The more confidence one has in themselves, the better equipped they are to manage and reduce anxiety.”

This idea is central to the philosophy of Bretisms. While Bret acknowledges that confident people are not immune to anxiety, he emphasizes that a strong sense of self-confidence can reduce the impact that anxiety has on our lives. When we believe in ourselves and our abilities, we are better prepared to face anxious moments with resilience and clarity.

This connection between confidence and anxiety is something Bret has experienced firsthand. He shares, “If your confidence is high and your belief in yourself and your abilities grow, you are better equipped to lower the impact that anxiety or an anxious moment brings you.” By fostering confidence, we create a foundation of inner strength that helps us weather the inevitable storms of life.

Achieving the Balance: A Daily Practice

The balance between confidence-building and anxiety reduction is achievable, Bret believes, but it requires consistent effort. “I feel the balance is achievable and has been achieved in my life,” he says. “I do not believe it has been achieved forever; it is a balance that I make a priority every day.”

This daily commitment to maintaining confidence and managing anxiety is one of the reasons Bret recommends that readers take their time with his book. He suggests giving each chapter its own day to “marinate and be reflected on” so that readers can build a habit of focusing on their personal growth over a 30-day period. By doing so, they can create a routine that supports their confidence-building efforts while reducing the impact of anxiety.

Bret emphasizes that this balance is not something that can be achieved once and then forgotten. It requires ongoing attention and practice. “Keeping my confidence high and my anxiety low is a challenge that I face and put time toward every day,” he shares. This daily dedication is what makes the balance sustainable over time. Purchase your copy on Amazon 

Personal Experiences with Bretisms

Bret’s philosophies are not just theoretical—they are deeply rooted in his personal experiences. One specific instance where a Bretism made a significant difference in his life occurred early in his career. At the time, Bret was working for someone who consistently belittled him, chipped away at his confidence, and put no effort into his growth as a person or employee. This toxic environment created a great deal of stress and anxiety for Bret, making it difficult for him to thrive.

It was during this challenging time that one of his Bretisms, “People will treat you how you allow them to,” gave him the courage he needed to push back against the mistreatment. “This Bretism allowed me to no longer tolerate being treated poorly on a consistent basis,” Bret explains. Armed with this philosophy, he let his superior know that the way they were treating him was unacceptable and that he would not tolerate it any longer.

The result? The Bretism worked long enough for Bret to be treated better, and it gave him the strength to find employment elsewhere. This experience reinforced the power of his philosophies and demonstrated how they could be applied in real-life situations to build confidence and reduce anxiety.

Making Bretisms Work for You

The philosophies presented in Bretisms are designed to be more than just inspirational quotes—they are meant to be tools that readers can use to improve their lives. Whether it’s standing up for yourself in a difficult situation, staying focused on your goals, or maintaining a positive outlook in the face of adversity, the Bretisms are there to guide you.

One of the most important takeaways from Bret’s approach is the idea that building confidence and reducing anxiety is a continuous process. It’s not something that happens overnight or without effort. Instead, it’s a journey that requires daily reflection, practice, and commitment.

For those looking to implement the lessons from Bretisms into their own lives, Bret offers this advice: Take it one day at a time. Give yourself the space to reflect on the philosophies and consider how they apply to your current situation. Don’t rush the process. By allowing the wisdom of each Bretism to marinate, you can gradually build the confidence needed to face life’s challenges while reducing the impact of anxiety.  Purchase your copy on Amazon 


Building confidence and reducing anxiety are two essential components of living a fulfilling life, and Bret Davis’s Bretisms provides a roadmap for achieving this balance. Through daily reminders of strength, resilience, and self-belief, readers are encouraged to cultivate confidence while managing the stresses of life.

Bret’s personal experiences, such as standing up to a toxic work environment, demonstrate the practical application of his philosophies. By taking the time to reflect on these sayings and integrating them into your daily routine, you, too, can find the balance that Bret has worked to maintain throughout his life.

In the end, the key to achieving this balance lies in daily practice. As Bret emphasizes, it’s about making confidence-building and anxiety reduction a priority every day. With the help of Bretisms, you can embark on a journey toward a more confident, less anxious life—one step at a time.

One Response

  1. I’ve read Bretisms and it really helps to go to the chapter you need that day. It’s a great book that makes us realize we all have basically the same struggles. Mr. Davis has drilled down how to handle life. This book is my Bible when I need a little guidance.

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