Cameron Embers: Learn to Sell Cleverly

In 12 Sales Myths: Selling To Smart People With Integrity by Cameron Embers, readers can embark on a journey of honing their sales expertise. The book identifies and dismantles a dozen myths that can hinder your path to securing high-quality clients. Cameron emphasizes the significance of your clientele in elevating your sales performance, and his mission is to equip you with the knowledge to excel at your craft. In this interview we explore both his personal journey and his wisdom.

What is the PRIMARY benefit, above all others, that your potential reader will gain from reading this book? 

This book will help readers hone in their mindset and strategies to sell to the A-players they most want to work with. They will learn how to stop sounding awkward or gimmicky and instead, project an irresistible confidence that top-tier decision makers crave. If you want to be seen as a confident expert that powerful people are excited to work with, this book is your next step. 

Honing your sales skills by 10% won’t get you 10% better clients. It’ll get you 10x better clients. It will give you a whole new life. Whether you are a salesperson by trade or a business owner, entrepreneur, or company leader, I highly encourage you to read 12 Sales Myths. I’ll help you undo toxic beliefs you don’t even realize are preventing you from upgrading your life.

If you had to compare this book to any other book out there, which book would it be?

The front cover of 12 Sales: Selling to Smart People With Integrity by Cameron EmbersMany of my friends and colleagues have compared this book to How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. While my book uses some language that is specific to salespeople and entrepreneurs, both books contain valuable strategies to help readers level up their influence with other people.

I think the comparison to How to Win Friends and Influence People is a great honor. After all, there is nothing more important than learning to influence the people around us. Having influence is what makes us feel in control of our lives. It makes us feel heard by the people around us, it helps us get what we want, and it helps us make a difference. So, I’m delighted to have written a book that helps readers boost the skill of influencing others.

Hundreds of thousands of books come out every year. Why should someone buy THIS book? 

Every sales book talks about techniques, but this book zeroes in on mindsets and beliefs. 12 Sales Myths will help you undo the harmful mindsets that make your conversations awkward or gimmicky. With a fresh new mindset, you will find dramatic confidence, significant clarity, and actionable strategy.

If all you do is change your strategies, smart people will still be able to detect the unhealthy mindsets lurking beneath the surface. Chances are, these mindsets are deeper rooted than you even know. It’s essential to undo these toxic ideas before talking to a prospect. A healthy mindset combined with powerful sales strategies equals a life-giving conversation with a powerful prospect.

Who is your target audience? 

This is a great book for an adult audience that is engaged in business and regularly interacts with others. It’s perfect for salespeople, but is also excellent for anyone looking to level up their influence and improve their confidence in their conversations with other leaders.

Did your environment or upbringing play a major role in your writing and did you use it to your advantage?

I spent the majority of my childhood as a highly insecure people pleaser. I was so wrapped up in what other people thought of me that I often had trouble discovering and articulating what I actually wanted out of life. My people-pleasing ways were likely due to traumatic childhood experiences of control and manipulation. I felt like I was always on defense, always trying to keep up with the expectations of others. I was constantly being taken advantage of.

As I made my way into adulthood, this way of living was destroying my confidence and happiness. I wanted to learn how to be on the offense, and interact with other people in a healthy and positive way. I wanted to learn how to control the narrative instead of having it controlled for me, so to speak.

After years of therapy, many open and honest conversations, and many, many trial-and-error attempts, I’m happy to say that I now have the ability to speak with confidence and advocate for myself. I’ve learned how to negotiate with others and find ways to meet my goals while simultaneously helping others meet theirs. Rather than being taken advantage of, I’m able to have mutual exchanges with confident, healthy people.

I hope my book brings greater confidence to readers.

Tell us your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?

I wanted to convey my message so clearly and succinctly to my readers. One of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had is when my readers have shared with me that they had a “lightbulb moment” while reading the book, then they explained back to me the very idea that I was trying to convey. It makes me feel like the book is really communicating the message I wanted so desperately to convey. I’m excited about this because I know the message has power to dramatically change lives. When or how people decide to put it into action is up to them. I’m here to plant seeds that could bloom at any time.

How would you describe your writing style?

My writing style is highly colloquial and I try to make it fun and engaging to read. Several of my friends who read the book have laughed and said that they could hear me talking out loud as they read. In fact, I wrote much of the book by talking into my phone, then heavily editing the resulting content. Some of our good family friends have repeatedly mentioned how funny one section of the book is, because I mentioned that I am writing the book while in the car waiting for my wife to return from a shopping trip.

What do you hope to accomplish with your book other than selling it?

I want to see a generation of salespeople and entrepreneurs transform the way they sell. I want to see them learn to sell in “the new way”, using methods that aren’t awkward or gimmicky, but actually help clients get what they want.

How can our readers get in touch with you? 

You can find me at

As well as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok @cameronembers

Where can our readers purchase your book? 


Barnes & Noble

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