Exploring KC’s Personal Transformation Journey: An Interview with the Author of Chaos I: In the Shadows and Chaos II: Road to Recovery

An Interview with the Author of Chaos I: In the Shadows and Chaos II: Road to Recovery

Interview by Non-Fiction Interviews | Featuring Author KC

Non-Fiction Interviews: KC, thank you for joining us today. Your Chaos series has touched many readers with its raw, personal narrative. Can you start by telling us how your own experiences shaped the themes of Chaos I: In the Shadows and Chaos II: Road to Recovery?

KC: My personal journey is reflected throughout both books. It begins with my childhood, where I faced abandonment by my biological father, a man I didn’t even know existed until kindergarten. Discovering that the man I thought was my father wasn’t shattered my world at a young age. The trauma continued when my mother married an abusive man. His twisted version of love, which he claimed was guided by religion, deeply skewed my understanding of love, trust, and relationships. It wasn’t until I was facing twenty years to life in prison that I hit my lowest point and began my transformation. I had turned my back on the Most High, but He never gave up on me. Through the love of those who stood by me, I learned to trust again and found the strength to confront my mental health challenges. I realized that true recovery starts with faith, self-love, forgiveness, and creating healthy boundaries. That’s what my journey—and these books—are about: moving out of the shadows and onto the road to recovery. Purchase on Amazon

Non-Fiction Interviews: Your books resonate with many readers, especially those who have faced personal trauma. How do you think Chaos fosters empathy in readers?

KC: I believe Chaos connects with readers on many different levels. We’ve all experienced some form of trauma, whether it’s abuse, betrayal, or a lack of self-love. Trauma may differ in its specifics, but the pain is often the same. It took me years of therapy to learn empathy for others, but once I did, it opened up a new world of understanding. In the past, I found some enjoyment in others’ pain—a kind of Joker mentality, if you will—but therapy helped me see the humanity in others’ struggles. I hope that my books help readers realize they aren’t alone in their suffering, and more importantly, that they can overcome it. My message is that no family is perfect, and we all struggle in different ways. But by showing empathy, we can help each other heal.

Non-Fiction Interviews: The theme of chaos is central to your books. How do you define chaos, and how does it relate to your life experiences?

KC: Chaos to me represents the toxic behaviors and cycles passed down through generations. Parents often raise their children using the tools they were given, but many of those tools are broken. My childhood was full of chaos—from family secrets to my mother’s fear of being alone, to my stepfather’s own issues with trust and violence. These toxic behaviors created an unhealthy environment for a young man who just needed guidance. I’m a big advocate for breaking generational curses. I believe that before becoming parents, people should consider therapy to address their own traumas. Even though I’ve become a better parent over the years, I still caused pain to my own children. That’s why I’m passionate about creating a better generation of healthy, emotionally resilient kids.

Non-Fiction Interviews: Confronting personal struggles can be daunting. What practical advice do you have for readers who are facing their own inner chaos?

KC: Confronting my inner chaos wasn’t easy, but it was necessary. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is to advocate for yourself—especially when it comes to your mental health. I was misdiagnosed and put on the wrong medications for years, all because I didn’t speak up. Don’t be afraid to challenge your doctors if you feel something isn’t right. Beyond that, therapy, self-care, and forgiveness are key. You have to forgive yourself for your past mistakes and be willing to put in the work to heal. My advice is simple: find a good therapist, take care of yourself, advocate for your needs, and be kind to yourself through the process.

Non-Fiction Interviews: You’ve shared powerful messages in your books. Are there any quotes or statements that you live by?

KC: I’ve written a few statements that have guided me through my journey, and I hope they can inspire others as well:

  • Forgiveness is for you, not the abuser.
  • You have to love yourself first before you can love anyone else.
  • One can only achieve failure when they stop putting in the work.
  • Trauma can either be used to destroy you or as a tool for success.

One scripture that has always kept me grounded is Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. It reminds me to keep faith, even when I don’t fully understand what’s happening. Purchase on Amazon

Non-Fiction Interviews: Your readers have shared their own stories of personal growth after reading your books. How does it feel to know that your vulnerability has helped others heal?

KC: It’s incredibly humbling. I wrote Chaos to be open about my life, to show my readers that they aren’t alone in their struggles. My hope was that by being vulnerable, others would feel empowered to confront their own traumas. It wasn’t easy—breaking down the walls I built for protection took time. But allowing myself to be vulnerable was necessary for my healing, and I think it helps others see that they can heal too. I’ve been blessed with a strong support system—my wife, children, and friends—who helped me through my journey. I want my readers to know that they, too, can build a strong foundation for their recovery and find the peace they deserve.

Non-Fiction Interviews: Thank you, KC, for sharing your story with us. Your journey of transformation and healing is truly inspiring. Is there anything you’d like to add before we wrap up?

KC: I just want to encourage anyone who’s struggling to take that first step toward healing. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. Whether through therapy, self-care, or reconnecting with faith, there’s always a way forward. And remember, you’re not alone. Thank you for having me, and I hope my story continues to inspire others to find their own paths to recovery.


If KC’s story has inspired you, we encourage you to share your own experiences of personal growth and healing. Let’s continue the conversation and support each other on the road to recovery. Purchase on Amazon

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