Glaedeling Jul Book Review

Glaedeling Jul

A Recipe Book

Author – Dagmarette Yen

Photographer – Dagmarette Yen

Publisher – Dagmarette Yen

Copyright – 2010

ISBN – 978-0-692-01083-9

Hardback – 51 Pages

Dagmarette Yen, wrote Glaedeling Jul to preserve the traditions of her family. She shares her treasured traditions and recipies with the readers. I quote, Yen, from her book – “You can turn the whole world upside down, just as long as you keep our Danish Christmas Traditions safe and sound.”

Glaedeling Jul, the title of Dagmarette Yen’s recipe book mean Merry Christmas in English. Yen’s many recipes included in her book are for lots of different kinds of cookies and sweets. Her recipes include pictures of the processes of preparation for the baker. Some of the recipes included are Mormor’s Jodekager, Jetti’s Danish pastry, Mormor’s Pebbernodder, Heart Sugar Cookies, Tarts with various fillings, Dollar Cookies, Marzipan and Klejner. Mormor in Danish mean Mother’s Mother or English translation means Grandmother.

Yen writes a chapter in her book dedicated to various festivities at Christmas in a Danish home. On December 23, LilleJuleafter – in English this translated to Little Christmas or Pre Christmas. The Danish people serve Ebleskiver on the eve which in English means pancake balls.

On December 24, the Danish family celebrates Juleafter – translation – Christmas Eve Yen includes the recipe for Roast Goose stuffed with prunes and apples. This recipe is always typical for a Danish Home on Christmas Eve.

On December 25, Yen describes Julefrokost – translation – Christmas Day Feast. The feast consists of breads, cheese, salmon, sauces, herring salad, pickled beets, molded meat, liver pate, potatoes and anchovy, meatballs and fruit salad.

I loved this book and I treasure it. I am from Danish lineage and I am a Mormor. However my Grandchildren have shortened the name to MoMo. I have personally partaken of all of these recipes as my mouth waters thinking of them. Excellent read!!!

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