Confessions of a Domestically-Challenged Homemaker & Other Tall Tales Book Review

Rose Mula’s memoir, “Hot and Spicy: Reflections of a Seasoned Life,” documents her journey from young adult to wise elder. Through vivid recollections and vivid language, Rose paints a picture of how she embraced the aging process with humor, grace and resilience. She takes readers on an inspiring ride as she reflects on how she navigated career paths in executive roles, public relations and theatre management. Spanning decades of experience, Rose offers valuable insights into dealing with ageism in the workplace and managing personal expectations during life transitions. With detailed descriptions of her successes and failures, Rose shares candid stories that will leave readers feeling enlightened and empowered. Her perspective is sure to generate thoughtful discussions about wisdom, courage and the human spirit. An engaging read, “Hot and Spicy: Reflections of a Seasoned Life” is an inspiring celebration of life. With her wise words, Rose Mula encourages us to boldly embrace aging and make the most out of our lives. Highly recommended!  Purchase on Amazon


Since reluctantly accepting the fact that she’s not getting any younger, Rose Mula has been trying to put a positive spin on aging. When a radio interviewer diplomatically described her as “seasoned” instead of old, she retorted, “You mean hot and spicy, right?” Her eclectic career included stints as an executive assistant to the president of a major corporation, a public relations specialist for a prominent hotel company, and a manager of a chain of six New England theaters. Since retiring, she has had more time to indulge in her favorite hobby-writing humorously about every-day irritations that plague us all–especially aging (see “positive spin” above). Her wry observations have appeared on You Tube and in over a hundred publications, including The Christian Science Monitor, The Reader’s Digest, The Philadelphia Inquirier, and frequently in The Saturday Evening Post. She also writes a monthly column for Her previous books-If These Are Laugh Lines I’m Having Way Too Much Fun, The Beautiful People & Other Aggravatons, and Grandmother Goose -Rhymes for a Second Childhood-are available on


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