Women’s empowerment and Executive Coach Randi F. Braun Interview

Randi F. Braun is on a mission to empower women who have demanding jobs and bold goals. As the certified executive coach and CEO of Something Major: The New Playbook for Women at Work, she helps women thrive in their careers by combining her experience as an entrepreneur with her research-based methodology.

We recently had the opportunity to interview Randi about her work and how it helps women make advances in their professional lives. Here’s what she had to say:

Tell us about your book? What is the PRIMARY benefit, above all others, that your potential reader will gain from reading this book?  A while back a woman confessed to me, “I have no desire… in fact, I can’t even remember the last time I was in the mood.” She wasn’t talking about what you think she was talking about. She was talking about a case of what I call “low work libido” and she’s not alone. Unfortunately, there’s just no little blue pill for that and women at work need a practical new playbook to get their groove back at work. That’s why I wrote them one in Something Major: The New Playbook for Women at Work.

If you had to compare this book to any other book out there, which book would it be? If you’ve ever read James Clear’s Atomic Habits, imagine a version of that book that is equally as super tactical…. while also being laugh-out-loud funny and written just for women.

Hundreds of thousands of books come out every year. Why should someone buy THIS book?  Can we acknowledge the elephant in the room and say in the world of “women’s leadership” it sometimes feels like EVERYTHING has already been said? That’s how I felt and it’s also WHY I wrote my book. I wanted to make room for a conversation that was more human and more tactical: not just lamenting the data (which is not promising) but offering women a fresh path forward.

 Who is your target audience? This book is truly for any woman at work who wants to thrive or any male ally who wants to understand how to support them. I’m hearing from women who are 25 and starting their careers to women who are 55 and at the apex of their careers as CEOs. I’ve also been stunned by how many men I’m hearing from who are reading and loving the book. It makes me bullish what’s possible with the support of allies.

Did your environment or upbringing play a major role in your writing and did you use it to your advantage? 100%. I grew up my whole life around strong women: my grandmothers lived through incredible adversity and each wrote a new playbook for being women at work before I ever did — before the genre of “business” or “leadership” or “self helThis book is in so many ways their legacy and I wish they were here to see it. 

Tell us your most rewarding experience since publishing your work? I’m getting DMs from women on social media telling me how they are literally bringing these tools to work and the immediate impact it’s having. It’s astoundingly humbling to know you’re making a difference.

How would you describe your writing style? Somebody once described this book as “sage advice shared one wildly entertaining story at a time,” and I can’t think of a better way to describe my style.  

Are your characters pure fiction, or did you draw from people you know? As a non-fiction author, all of the stories in my book are true, but I think you’ll love the way each chapter reads like a novel in the way we unravel each story.

Are you more of a character artist or a plot-driven writer? As a non-fictoin author, to me it’s all about the “characters.” The women in this book are the songbirds who truly make it sing, and this book would be nothing without their stories.

What do you hope to accomplish with your book other than selling it? So simple: I want women to feel empowered to feel less burned out, more connected to their own goals, and more confident. This is about them, not about me.

About the Author Randi F. Braun is an expert at empowering women who have demanding jobs and bold goals. As a certified executive coach and CEO of the women’s leadership firm, Something Major, she helps women thrive at work.

Braun infuses conversations with life-changing ideas, advancing women leaders one wildly entertaining story at a time.

A sought-after thought leader and speaker, Braun’s insights have been featured in The Washington Post, Forbes, and Parents Magazine, among others. Braun has coached women around the globe and partnered with more than 50 organizations across diverse sectors, including: the Fortune 500, healthcare, start-ups, Big Law, public relations, entertainment, trade associations, government, non-profits, and others. To learn more about Braun’s work, events, and background visit www.SomethingMajorCoaching.com.

How can our readers get in touch with you? There are two fabulous ways to get in touch with me. One is one my Something Major website where you can sign up for my monthly (non-spammy) newsletter or get tons of free resources. Another is on social where you can follow me on LinkedIn, IG, or TikTok. 

Where can our readers purchase your book? You can find my book on Amazon where it hit #1 Best-Seller in Women & Business.  

Something Major: The New Playbook for Women at Work


“Pick up this book now! Every woman wants to believe she is on the precipice of something major and this book gives you the tools to get yourself there. Randi Braun has created a fun and practical way forward for women who are looking to channel their inner bad-ass, crack the leadership code, and soar!”- Jen Mormile, Chief Business Officer of Condé Nast

She’s changing women’s lives, one play at a time.

Women are natural leaders but they’ve been taught to play the game by an outdated set of rules. So certified executive coach, Randi Braun, wrote them a new playbook.

In Braun’s book, Something Major: The New Playbook for Women at Work, women will discover how to play the leadership game on their own terms and win when it comes to achieving their goals: whether it’s cracking the code on your self-doubt by ditching perfectionism, external validation, and the tyranny of your inner critic, or learning new tactics for owning your message (don’t miss 16 things she forbids you to say at work). Braun’s book provides a fresh take on one of the most tremendous challenges of our time: empowering women at work to chart their own course to the top — dialing up confidence and fulfillment, and dialing down burnout in the process.

In Something Major: The New Playbook for Women at Work, Braun takes the field and re-writes the plays of the game. She is a sought-after thought leader, speaker, and CEO of the women’s leadership firm, Something Major. Her book delivers stories for today’s women leaders in a conversational style that’s packed with sage advice and wildly entertaining.  BUY Now on AMAZON

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